18:22:04 Create new PHPExcel object
18:22:04 Set document properties
18:22:04 Add some data
18:22:04 Rename worksheet
18:22:04 Write to Excel2007 format

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; PclZip has a deprecated constructor in /home/sorianoariza/appssori/proyectos-laravel/sisco-pyme-web/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Shared/PCLZip/pclzip.lib.php on line 190
18:22:04 File written to 01simplePCLZip.xlsx
Call time to write Workbook was 0.0233 seconds
18:22:04 Current memory usage: 6 MB
18:22:04 Peak memory usage: 6 MB
18:22:04 Done writing files
Files have been created in /home/sorianoariza/appssori/proyectos-laravel/sisco-pyme-web/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Examples